What is a CCT?

The Community Care Team (CCT) is a group of community agencies, providers, and organizations that often provide services to shared clients.  The team comes together on a regular basis to share strengths-based information about clients with complex care needs in an effort to increase group awareness of client goals and challenges, while identifying shared priorities for support.  Utilizing a shared Release of Information and Confidentiality Agreement, providers are also able to connect outside of the meeting space to share information in real-time and support the individual's connection with resources and wrap-around support in their community.

The core objective of a CCT is to provide person-centered care and improve outcomes through multi-agency partnership and care planning, as we understand that community collaboration is necessary to improve health outcomes.  We recognize complex bio-psycho-social problems are community problems and no one entity alone can effectively improve outcomes for this population.

Which areas does CCT cover?
The Strafford County & Seacoast Public Health Networks' CCT is comprised of three New Hampshire regional Community Care Teams. One team serves Strafford County, and two teams serve eastern Rockingham County.

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